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A Whoodle is a hybrid cross between a Poodle (Toy, Miniature, or Standard) and a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier.

A Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (SCWheaten) is unlike the other terrier breeds as it is not high strung and tenacious like terriers are known to be. The SC Wheaten was developed in Ireland as the poor man’s farm dog. It was and is the do all of dogs.

 They are deeply devoted and very loyal.

SC Wheatens are easy to train, soft in nature and do not do well with harsh training methods. They are just stubborn enough to acquire the Terrier name. They are not inclined to be timid or aggressive. They also tend to be in tune with people's emotions.

They live to please and know no enemy. The “Wheaten Greeten’ ” IS a thing.

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